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Keyboard commands:
Command | Key |
Next Line | PageDown | Down Arrow | Right Arrow | Space |
Restart Line (double tap for previous line) | PageUp | Up Arrow | Left Arrow |
Next Song | Shift N |
Previous Song | Shift P |
Show/hide lyrics | Shift S |
Resize/Drag the lyrics area. Press again to hide drag area | Shift Z |
Text bigger | Ctrl + |
Text smaller | Ctrl - |
Reset text size | Ctrl 0 |
Fullscreen | F11 |
Stop audio and come back to this screen (refresh) | Ctrl r |
Choose a folder containing .mp3, .m4a files, and .lrc or .txt files for lyrics.
.lrc files with timestamps will play automatically, for .txt files use the arrow keys or a USB
presentation remote.
Choose Folder above to download your playlist file and save it in the same folder named _playlist.tsv
The _playlist.tsv file is how you tell the app which order
to play the tracks, and which lyrics go with each audio file. Open the playlist file in a spreadsheet editor and
match the lyrics and audio files. The playlist should contain one row per song, in the sequence you want them to
be played. On each row you'll need to provide the exact file names for each lyric file (.txt or .lrc) and,
optionally the matching .mp3 file. Watch out for typos in the playlist file! If you get any errors, edit and save
your playlist file, refresh the page, and try again.
If there is no _playlist.tsv file in the folder you select, the app will make one based on the files
in that folder and download it for you. Save this file in the same folder as your lyrics and audio files.
Once you've got all your audio and lyrics files in a folder, and added your playlist file, hit the
`Choose Folder` button.
You can include optional columns called 'start', 'end' and 'fade', which should show the times in
seconds the current audio track should start and finish. But if you just want to play the full songs, you can
leave these columns blank. Fade is the number of seconds overlap between two tracks. If fade = 0, the current song
will finish before the next song starts.
The last song currently loops. If you'd like to prevent this, add a blank or thankyou .txt file as the
last item in the _playlist.tsv
Links to places to get lyrics: